Dr. Keen's Blog

How to find a career with a science degree

I have been asked many times over the past year about how to find a job outside of the lab or how to make the next step to find a rewarding science career by graduate students and postdocs. It is not an obvious path. It is a very personal path and one that can be extraordinarily rewarding. Then again, it is your science career and what you want to do... Read More

8 ways your science skills can sell

pubished on Global Health Now 9/17 &18 8 Ways Your Science Skills Can Sell Sep 16, 2015 12:07:00 PM EDT By Judy Keen A science education provides rigorous training, helping students master many complex cutting-edge technologies and techniques. Students also gain a deep appreciation for details and accepting open critiques about their work. And yet, when students and postdocs finally leave the lab and attempt to enter any career other... Read More

How bacteria in your colon can influence your immune system

Companion papers were published in Science magazine this week that show the bacteria in the gut can influence the development of allergic responses. These papers are fascinating. Done in germ-free mice, these studies show that the microbiota that reside in your colon can influence the type of immune cells (specifically increasing the T regulatory cells and decreasing T helper 17 cells) that also live in that area. So, why does... Read More

Improving access to scientific studies

Image available from wiley-asia blog. https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiley-asia-blog/14056966772/ People want to hear about or have access to the latest scientific research for a variety of reasons. It is interesting. It can improve lives and lifestyles. It can help patients or families decide the best option to take when they or their loved one gets sick. So, how can we improve access to scientific studies? I have always worked for organizations that had... Read More

Science authorship: is increasing numbers of authors making it meaningless?

Big science means many authors on paper, but are adding so many authors on a paper diluting the contribution of those who did the work? Does it make authorship meaningless? I am a big proponent of including those who have done the work onto the author line. I have even been on papers with more than 25 authors. At the very least, everyone should be treated fairly and authorship needs... Read More

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